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Pakistan helps Afghan junior female football team to relocate

半岛新闻网2024-09-22 13:40:00【新闻中心】9人已围观

简介Afghanistan's junior female football team and their immediate families are set to relocate to Br

Afghanistan's junior female football team and their immediate families are set to relocate to Britain from Pakistan after recently escaping their homeland, the UK government said on Monday.

"We are working to finalise visas to the Afghanistan women's football team and look forward to welcoming them to the UK shortly," a government spokesperson said.

The team of around 35 young footballers, mostly teenagers, and their families -- totalling around 130 people -- just missed the hurried British airlift from Kabul in August, according to a UK-based charity helping them.

Read more: Afghan girls' football team flees to Pakistan

The squad were able to flee in small groups to Pakistan "with the assistance of some very brave people on the ground in Afghanistan", said Jonathan Kendrick, chairman of the ROKiT conglomerate, whose foundation is providing assistance.

"From a humanitarian perspective, there was simply no option," he said in a statement, noting they were "in a hugely dangerous, life-threatening, position should they not find a way to leave Afghanistan".

Pakistan granted the players temporary 30-day visas and they were transported to Lahore from where they applied to relocate to Britain.

"These young players, with whom we are in regular contact via video calls, are absolutely thrilled and relieved to have been given the opportunities that will come available to them in their new lives in the UK," said Siu-Anne Marie Gill of the ROKiT Foundation.

She added it will "continue to support them as they settle into their new home in the coming weeks, to include helping to arrange further education, where possible".

Also read: Fawad welcomes Afghan women football team’s arrival in Pakistan

Gill said she hoped many of the players would undergo trials with several professional women's football teams in Britain that "have already expressed great interest in meeting them".

Britain has airlifted more than 15,000 people -- both UK nationals and Afghan allies -- from the war-torn country since the Taliban recaptured it in August.

London has also committed to welcome up to 20,000 people over the coming years, including around 5,000 in the first year, as part of its Afghan citizens' resettlement scheme (ACRS).
